Informing the patients, their family and the general public that the venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) and the Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) can be treated was the main objective of the campaign of Hellenic Angiology Society with the sponsorship of Elpen, Bayer Hellas, Leo Pharma and Vianex.
The communication strategy of the campaign included the strategic partnership with a scientific association, having pharmaceutical companies as sponsors and the intensive information and education of HCPs and general public.
Organizing symposia for HCPs, combined with free public informative events and free diagnostic exams which exams with doppler or triplex, in 8 cities of our country, Press Releases, articles, press conferences, doctor’s appearances in television stations and flyers were some of the “means” used.
The results were impressive. Through the year, more than 650 doctors were informed and over 1550 people were examined.